Sunday, August 4, 2013

Action Research Plan Take #1

Action Planning Template
Goal: How does being in sports affect male student athlete’s performance in regards to: grades, behavior, absences, and referrals?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Explain research inquiry to people involved and Pass out Independent teacher survey

Dorian Hall

AJM Teachers
August 2013
Research information

Returning School Teachers
Find out how teachers feel about student athletes grades, behavior and attendance during sporting season and off-season.
Determine Population:

Gather the rosters of each sport from coaches of their respectable sport.
From the rosters I will select 30 male student athletes.
Dorian Hall

August 2013-
September 2013

Sport roster
I will create a spreadsheet for each male athlete. In the spreadsheet will be data on them for in season and out of season.
Gather Baseline Data:
I will use my list that I gathered and start inputting data into in season or out of season.

Dorian Hall

Sport Coaches to determine which students play sports
Site Supervisor
September 2013
Grades from past school year

Sports Rosters
I will create a spreadsheet for each male athlete. In the spreadsheet will be data on them for in season and out of season.
Developing  Deeper Understanding:
I will take data from the first progress reports and report card during that nine weeks. I will also get with disciplinarian to get any referrals.
From this data I will determine if any changes needs to be implemented.
Dorian Hall

School Disciplinarian

October 2013
1st nine weeks progress reports and Report Cards.
Input this data into my spreadsheet.
Communicate with principal and high school head coach’s  to find out what can be done differently to help with the athletes

Dorian Hall
October 2013
Site Supervisor

Chalmette High School coaching Staff
Write a reflection about what I learned from the conversation with the high school’ coaches.
Look at Patterns:
I will get the report cards of the 30 male student athletes, for the 1st through 4th nine weeks period. Every nine weeks I will send out survey’s to the teachers of these 30 male student athletes.
Dorian Hall

Site Supervisor

Athletes Teacher’s


October 2013-
May 2014
Student’s report cards (Absence and tardy information, and GPA)

Student referrals for this past year

Teacher Survey

I will look to see if it is a certain group of kids that are misbehaving, a certain sport that has the most amount of issues, and send a survey out to the teachers asking about behavior tendencies.
Determine Direction:

Right before the Christmas break. I will hand out another survey to the teachers. This survey will gather information about the male athletes that are in the study group. Also, I will sit down with my site supervisor and go over the data that I have gathered so far. I will run across her some changes or things that could be done differently if need be if my ARP is not going the way I think it needs to be going.
Dorian Hall

Site Supervisor
December 2013
Student’s report cards (Absence and tardy information, and GPA)

Student referrals for this past year

Teacher Survey

Hand out survey to teachers and ask my site supervisor questions. If need be change up some things in my research.
Take Action for School Improvement:

After inputting all of my data in regards to behavior, attendance, referrals, and grades. I will propose a plan to help with the findings of my report.
Dorian Hall

Site Supervisor
June 2014
Report Cards

Progress Reports
Attendance reports


Propose changes to student athlete’s eligibility if performance is not on par or above par with their performance during their sport season.
Sustaining Improvement:

If anything catches my eye during the ARP I will do my best to help change it then and there instead of waiting till the end of the research plan.
Dorian Hall

Site Supervisor
August 2013- May 2014
Report Cards

Progress Reports
Attendance report


Always be willing and ready to adapt my ARP at any time based on findings or anything that is permissible.
Analyze and interpret data
Dorian Hall
June 2014

Action Research Data
Create charts and graphs of data findings
Present Findings:

Share results with administration
Dorian Hall

Site Supervisor
June 2014
Action Research Findings
I will share recommendations based on data and research to suggest how to make sure the student athletes perform the same way they do during their sports season when they are out of season.


  1. Is there are reason why you are just focusing on males? It might be neat to do the same thing for females then compare them to the males. Just a thought :-D

    1. I'm doing the males since I only teach males. It will be easier for me to track and gather the data since I'm allowed to pull up their records since I'm their teacher.

  2. Is there a place on your survey from the teachers for both positive and negative comments? I would hope that educators would send the positive ones as well. Also, I agree with Brittani's comment above. I think a good comparison would be between the males and the females. I know it's more work, but it would be interesting to see the results. Are you going to share this information with the coaching staff at some point? As a fellow coach, I am very interesting in seeing your findings. I think that some coaches do a fair to good job of focusing on their athletes during the season, but they often drop the ball when it comes to the off-season. Good luck.

    1. John,

      I'm modifying a survey that we use with 504 students at my school. It has positives and negatives section for the teacher to write any information that might be beneficial to take into account that the number system doesn't.

  3. As a fellow coach, I am interested in your findings. I will continue to follow your blog and your research.

  4. Your Action Research Planning looks very good! It is well thought and detailed. It is very interesting how athletes behave throughout the year. While there is a sport around, athletes want to do very well academically so they can play. Once there is no sports involved, they start slacking off and misbehave in class. I normally control athletes by telling them that I will talk to their coaches. I am interested to see your results.

  5. I agree with all the comments above. I think this study will produce some expected and unexpected results. I do recommend having a control group, or something to compare your athletes to. Do you plan to pull data from non-athletes to see if your target group is any different, or are you just trying to track the fluctuation of grades and behavior as athletes transition from in season to off season? Either way, I'm sure your efforts will be appreciated by both coaches and teachers.

  6. You are doing a good job of getting feedback from your teachers in this plan. This will give you a lot of information that can be used to really help your kids. I also like your review of your data after each 9 week mark it will help you to better monitor a large scale project like this.

  7. I had a project set up kind of like yours where i was going to be looking at a lot of different data. After speaking with my field supervisor she suggested that I only focus on one aspect for my project to make it more manageable. So in my project I'm just going to focus on the behavior aspect. Just a thought.
