Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Reflections on the course EDLD 5301

When I first looked at the name of the course I was nervous and was like oh great a research class. Research papers can be intimating and very tedious. My thoughts were when am I going to have time to research and do the work that comes along with the class. I was glad to find out that doing thee research is not done over just 5 weeks but throughout this whole Master’s program. After being in the class and learning about the ARP I felt more and more relieved and less worried. I’m still worried somewhat but not to the extent that I was previously at the beginning of the class. After going through EDLD 5301i definitely feel more confident in my action research plan. This course has had it hard points and it’s good points. The hardest part for me throughout out this course was the assignments. I wouldn’t know where to start or really how to answer all of the questions that was being asked. MY IA and others on Facebook helped me throughout this process and for them I’m very grateful and thankful. I have enjoyed my learning process with this course. I have learned a tremendous amount in such a short period of time. It seemed like every week I was changing my action research plan. After meeting with my site supervisor and receiving comments on my blog I was thinking this was a never ending process. Now that the class is coming to an end I think that I have finally came to a conclusive ARP topic and am ready to get started on this journey and am ready to see what information I can uncover and use. The one part of this class that I really liked and have no complaints about is the blog. I never thought about using blogs to help me with educational things such as what t is required. I love these ease of putting your work out there and getting comments as if you were in class with that person. I will definitely implement this in future things that I do with school. All in all this class would be very beneficial to anyone who is thinking about a certain inquiry. I would give the level of difficulty in this class 7 out of 10. The work at times became a little repetitive but in the end it all came together. Goodbye EDLD 5301 Hello to the next course in my jouney of obtaining my Master’s in Educational Administration.

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