Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What I have learned about Action Research and how I may use it.

From the readings I have learned that action research for one is very detailed. I was never aware of the name that this is called. I have most importantly learned form just week 1 that this takes weekly planning, it can not be thrown together the week it is due. It involves multiple people. I thought that this was going to be just me doing the work but boy was I wrong. I have to involve other people to get their help, pick their brains, sit in on meetings, and so forth. I'm not mad that it isn't just me that is feeling kind of swamped right now. I will definitely use this action research in the future not just this one time. I want to build from off of this research not just say  I did it and never use it again. I believe an action research plan would be beneficial to any teacher that would put in the time and effort with it. As I stated previously yes it is time consuming but well worth it. As an educator I believe and hope that all educators believe that the one goal is the empowering of the students. I want every student that I come across to learn something. This will and would be a great tool for every school to use. What I'm going to action research is not written in stone yet. I'm hoping to research the effect of sports on male students in regards to academics, behavior, and attendance. After my research I hope that I can come up with some plans or ideas that will benefit students that are involved in sports.


  1. I am also seeing the detailed planning that will go into completing this action research project. While I tend to work well alone, I have enjoyed getting ideas from others and incorporating those ideas into my plan. Definitely, this is not something that can be done at the last minute.

  2. I had the same feeling when I seen the word "research" that this was going to be me sitting at my desk researching a topic. This action plan does seem like a lot of work but if the results come close to solving a situation then it will be well worth it. I also agree with a blog empowering students.
